Rumors about Apple still has to get up almost every day, especially the iPhone 5 with the news that came out earlier. Will be launched later in the year. The confirmation of that. It comes with a camera resolution of eight megapixels, and antenna systems (GSM & CDMA) Recent news reports on it that the iPhone 5 to design a machine not unlike the iPhone 4 more in the iPhone 6 will launched in mid 2012.
Sources as part of the iPhone 5 reveal the Ming-Chi Kuo, market analysts said. Rumors about 8M camera that comes with the iPhone 5 (camera on the iPhone 4 5 mega-pixel resolution), which is revealed by Howard Stringer, CEO of Sony a few weeks ago, is true. And credible than the news claiming that the iPhone 5 comes with the camera, 3D is the news that Apple is trying to make the iPhone 5 is compatible with both the service provider is AT & T and Verizon, they seem to be true. iPhone 5 will come with dual-Antenna, which means the antenna can support both GSM and CDMA are based on the A5 is the same chip used in the iPad 2.
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